Class Evaluation

Some things I liked about this class were that there were simple tasks that we had to do. Mr.Haymore never gave us crazy amounts of work to do and was very considerate. I also like that he taught us not just about education, but also abut life in general.

One thing that I did not like was that we had to sit in assigned seats.

I just feel like maybe we could have sat where we wanted, then he could choose if we sat there permanently or not.

A highlight was the videos that he would show us. They were very interesting.

I mean I feel like I did all right, however I could have done better if I had this class for another period other than first, Cause I am always tired first period.

I do not really read my life planning goals journal. I always write in it a day later, in the morning, talking about what happened to me yesterday. I like it because then in the future I get to go back in it and read everything.

I know that this is a bad answer, but it is hard being a CTR person. I mean yes you can always choose the right, but sometimes the CTW scorpion bites, and I cannot resist.


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