"I wont cheat"
Whats so bad about cheating if you wont get caught? Some people don't get caught, how ever some of us do. For the people that don't get caught, eventually karma comes back a day, week, month, etc, later. In 2nd grade, I used to cheat on my multiplication test with little cheat sheets, yes I was the only one who got all of them right, but a week later we had a surprise quiz, and i didn't have my cheat sheet smh! #CaughtUp Then it was pretty obvious that I didn't study, therefore I didn't get my ice cream sundae. #SMHagain So just dont cheat, simple as that. This also goes for relationships. Yeah you might not get caught at the moment, nor they may not find out at all, but at the end of the day, you live with the guilt, and bad karma will get you back. So, do everything with complete honesty and choose the right.
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