Memorial Day
What is Memorial Day? Memorial Day is a day on which those who died in active military service are remembered, traditionally observed on May 30 but now officially observed on the last Monday in May. It is celebrated on May 28. On Memorial Day, most of us enjoy a day off work and celebrate the unofficial start of summer by boating, having barbeques or shopping the Memorial Day sales. Being with loved ones is a meaningful way to spend the day, but it's also important to remember fallen soldiers and veterans on Memorial Day.

Some things i will do on Memorial Day is relax. I say this because I have a wedding on sunday, the day before. And im planning to get lit. So i need to get my rest on monday. I believe this holiday is important because whether or not you know someone personally who lost their life while serving our country, it is not difficult to respect and honor that these men and women made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedom and safety. A Lot of people just consider it a day off work, or the first unofficial day of summer, but it doesn't hurt a little to show a little appreciation on that holiday.
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